Job Hunting is Stressful and Tedious...


...But It Can Be Easier and Faster.


The songs on your MP3 player are probably better organized than your job search and this fact likely costs you more time, extra effort, and a longer wait to get hired.  In other words, lack of organization and planning can be making your job hunt more stressful and frustrating than it needs to be.


The Problem

♦  Fierce competition for jobs means that you have to dramatically increase both the quantity and the quality of your search efforts.

♦  Significantly longer average job search times mean more activities and more job opportunity information to carefully track.

♦  Widely scattered job data (online, newspapers, notes, memory, etc.) make coordination of information more difficult and search efforts less focused.

♦  The above factors cause most job seekers to waste time, work harder than necessary, miss out on real opportunities and, in general, unnecessarily prolong their job search.


The Solution

Job Hunt Express is a powerful, yet inexpensive and easy-to-use, Job Search Management (JSM) software tool that leverages the latest computer technology to enable you to store, organize, and act strategically on your job opportunities by keeping your information current and your efforts on target.  It will save you time and effort and get you a better job faster.


Wouldn't it help your job search if you could:

♦  Get up every morning with a carefully crafted, daily plan of activities to achieve your job hunt goals.

♦  Map out custom strategies and tactics for every opportunity.

♦  Have all of your job hunt information in one, easily accessible place.

♦  Ensure the consistency and frequency of all your communications.

♦  Never be caught off-guard by an unexpected call by having all information at your fingertips.

♦  Keep a complete history of all job searches and contacts.

All of the above, and more, is instantly do-able with Job Hunt Express. 

Bottomline:  you use your computer to search for jobs, to communicate with contacts, to research opportunities, and more.  Why not use the computer to manage your entire job search process?

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